Thursday, December 10, 2009

Boudoir For You Has our Military Spouse Contest Winner

Here is her Story....

Well first off my name is Amanda, I am 21 i have 2 little girls, a 3year old and a 5 week old. My husband is deployed to Afghanistan... this makes our second deployment. Me and my husband spent our first 2 years of marriage apart. He was only home for 7 weeks out of the 2 years. We had our first daughter in that time and he got to come home when she was born for 5 weeks and had to go back to Japan and then got to come home for 2 weeks before he left for iraq and our daughter was only 10months then. He  didn't come back until she was a 22 months old. I did everything by myself, then he was home for about 10 months and i end up pregnant and he had to deploy again. Our new baby is 5 weeks and once again I have done it all alone, with no break or time off.  I think if I won this it would be a nice gift for me and my husband as he will be returning around Christmas time. 

We wanted to give one person a chance to take a break and be pampered. We know how hard it is to be married to the Military, Since we are Married to Marines and Sailors. We know this will be a BIG break for Amanda. Keep an eye out for Amanda's Session with Boudoir For You.